About me

I'm Sam, an Apprentice as a Platform Developer (EFZ) currently completing my Apprenticeship at SWICA. I am currently in my third year, and still have one more left after this one before completing my apprenticeship.

My tasks at SWICA involve a variety of - more to come

What I do

  • design icon

    Task 1

    Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum

  • WebDev


    Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum

  • mobile app icon


    Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum

  • camera icon

    Photo Test

    Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum


  • Daniel lewis

    Person 1

    Sam was hired to create a corporate identity. We were very pleased with the work done. She has a lot of experience and is very concerned about the needs of client. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ullamcous cididt consectetur adipiscing elit, seds do et eiusmod tempor incididunt ut laborels dolore magnarels alia.

  • Jessica miller

    Person 2

    Sam was hired to create a corporate identity. We were very pleased with the work done. She has a lot of experience and is very concerned about the needs of client. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ullamcous cididt consectetur adipiscing elit, seds do et eiusmod tempor incididunt ut laborels dolore magnarels alia.

  • Emily evans

    Person 3

    Sam was hired to create a corporate identity. We were very pleased with the work done. She has a lot of experience and is very concerned about the needs of client. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ullamcous cididt consectetur adipiscing elit, seds do et eiusmod tempor incididunt ut laborels dolore magnarels alia.

  • Henry william

    Person 4

    Sam was hired to create a corporate identity. We were very pleased with the work done. She has a lot of experience and is very concerned about the needs of client. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ullamcous cididt consectetur adipiscing elit, seds do et eiusmod tempor incididunt ut laborels dolore magnarels alia.



  1. Berufsbildungsschule Winterthur

    2021 — 2025

    Vocational School, Apprenticeship Platform Developer EFZ.

  2. High School Wädenswil Class A

    2018 — 2021

    Mandatory High School, completed in Secondary A.

Work Experience

  1. Apprentice Platform Developer

    2021 — Present

    Apprentice working in various Teams, such as the IT Service Desk, IT Operations Engineering, and the Cloud Enablement Team.

    Various Milestones, such as:
    - Introduction and Setup of Azure Arc at a large scale
    - Management of various Applications and Products such as Mentimeter, YubiKey, Hardware-Tokens, and more
    - Provided technical knowledge and assistance during the switch from TrendMicro Security Agent to Microsoft Defender for Endpoint
    - Multiple small-scale Projects which include, but are not limited to:
    - Room-Booking System at a new Office Location
    - ESXi-Host Update-Management
    - MagicInfo Software Update Management
    - and more..

  2. Traffic Cadet

    2017 — 2020

    Verkehrskadetten-Abteilung Samstagern-Richterswil

Workshops and Trainings

  1. IAM Workshop


    Dell IAM Workshop provided by IPG

  2. Terraform Workshop


    Terraform Workshop provided by Thinkport

  3. Ekara Workshop


    Ekara Workshop and Certificates provided by IP-Label

  4. Managing Windows 11 Devices with Intune and Autopilot


    Intune and Autopilot Workshop provided by Microsoft

  5. Enterprise Mobile Device Management with Microsoft Intune


    Enterprise Mobile Device Management with Microsoft Intune Workshop provided by Microsoft


  • German
  • English
  • French
  • Persian


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